BAMIN concludes Participatory Socio-Environmental Diagnosis

Survey will guide socio-environmental actions in the municipalities which FIOL 1 crosses

After conducting interviews over three months in the municipalities along the route of FIOL 1, the teams from BAMIN’s Environmental Education Program and Social Communication Program have successfully completed an important survey. This survey will determine the socio-environmental initiatives to be undertaken by the company from 2024 onwards. Known as the Participatory Socio-Environmental Diagnosis, it provides a comprehensive assessment of the distinct environmental and social conditions in the towns, districts, communities, and populations within the influence zones of the railroad.

During the study, we engaged with representatives from municipal legislative and executive bodies, community leaders, members of Civil Society Organizations, and BAMIN employees across diverse sectors. Through interviews, we gathered information that prompted questions about the cultural and professional potential, as well as environmental concerns specific to each location.

The Participatory Socio-Environmental Diagnosis provides insights from 21 municipalities in Bahia, with 19 directly affected and two indirectly impacted by FIOL 1 works. We utilized 190 forms in the survey, and the results were analyzed by teams from the Environmental Education Program and Social Communication Program. After completing this stage, the survey organizers went back to the communities and municipalities to conduct a workshop for validating the document.

The purpose of these meetings, held between September and November, was to engage in discussions to verify that the findings of the diagnosis aligned with the actual conditions in the localities. Additionally, the goal was to address any potential inconsistencies in the research and address the community’s concerns.

During the Participatory Socio-Environmental Diagnosis in the municipalities traversed by FIOL 1, the local population had the opportunity to propose projects for their communities. They also suggested courses geared towards professional development based on the specific characteristics of their respective localities. The survey results informed the formulation of projects to implement a range of programs addressing social, cultural, educational, and environmental issues within these communities.

Through the Participatory Socio-Environmental Diagnosis, BAMIN identified the target audience for its initiatives and gained insights into the local cultural, social, and environmental features that could enhance the development of these projects. The aim, among other factors, is to create a positive impact on the communities, providing avenues for knowledge, professional development, and meaningful discussions on environmental, educational, and awareness-related matters.




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